martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Gel Veydoz Enook Zul

Ahnok fahdon, dahsul zu'u fen mind hi vir wah krii seiraknid voth thuum ko lein, hi vis nuft: dok shun.
Nuz waan hi laan wah straag kotin hiraak hi vis nuft daar wuth mindol.
Nuz waan hi funt ahrk ofaal fiit naal dovah hi fen kos mal medliinvas.
Waan hi los nol akkavir hi fen straag kotin riil nol ausul


Hello fellas, Dysentery is an inflammation of the intestine causing diarrhea with blood. Other symptoms may include fever, abdominal pain, and rectal tenesmus (a feeling of incomplete defecation).

Cool story right? this is something u hav to think bout when tryin to join faze.

Now do this:

In order to perform the Faze Sacrament, you must create an effigy of the intended victim, assembled from actual body parts, including a heart, skull, bones, and flesh. You must then encircle that effigy with candles. The ritual itself must then commence. You must proceed to stab the effigy repeatedly with a dagger rubbed with joints of a marihuana while whispering this plea: "Sweet FaZe, sweet FaZe, send your quickscopers unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear." 

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Fedoras are awesome. Fuck you haters.

Yes, you heard that right, fedoras are awesome, i'm tired of dumb haters with "swag" saying that fedoras look stupid, in fact, people with fedoras are a 27% more clever than the average human, maybe that's why you don't understand why fedoras are awesome, because you are dumb.
Just ask yourself how many times you see dumb people with fedoras, the answer is never! But everyday I do see dumb people without fedoras.
Chekmate haters.

mfw haters say fedoras are dumb:

sábado, 3 de enero de 2015

Easy sick trickshot tutorial

Wlcom 2 an ez trikz tutorial, i'l try to maek tihs short
Things u need:
-No gf
-Shrek replica

Steps 2 follow:
-Turn on cumsole
-Start gmae
-join match
-climb something
-locate n00b
-jump doin 360
-shoot the nerd

It should look like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014


So after killing sum ilumineaty i found a note in one of teh bodies, it was bout how 2 unlock a scret dlc only 4 loominateyys.
This is what i found:

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

how to download minecraft for free

higuyztodayiwillshowyousumthingnew, i will make a tutorial on how 2 download
Mein Kampf Minecraft.
Things you will need:
-A computer
-Internet explorer (google chrome & firefox no work)
-Youtube channel
-Smallpox (can be found in White Run, go talk to the red guard next to the forge)
-Gaming chair
-Supa Hot Fire rap battle complete pack
-Dankest kush

Once u got all the materials u can start looking for minecraft:
1-Start at 4:20 am by smokin w33d
2-tip your fedora and leave

Everyone died, the end

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

How to Use the Intervention [MW2 TUTORIAL]

Hello gentleman and m'ladies, u've probably seen those faze guys quickscoping with mlg skill while blazing it, but u cant do that... or maybe yes? 
In this tutorial u will learn how 2 use the intervention to quickscope scrubs at 4:20.
1- Stop watching anime 
2- Learn a new thu'um "uloz seiraknid voth noot" in your language it just means "Allahu Akbar".
3- Turn on your console (doesnt work on pc).
4- Join a MW2 TDM
5- Turn on your mic.
6- Play some edgy musi so everyone can hear u.
7- Blaze it.
8- When u see an enemy, use "uloz seiraknid voth noot"
9- Now seriously, stop watching anime and do something.