martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

How to Use the Intervention [MW2 TUTORIAL]

Hello gentleman and m'ladies, u've probably seen those faze guys quickscoping with mlg skill while blazing it, but u cant do that... or maybe yes? 
In this tutorial u will learn how 2 use the intervention to quickscope scrubs at 4:20.
1- Stop watching anime 
2- Learn a new thu'um "uloz seiraknid voth noot" in your language it just means "Allahu Akbar".
3- Turn on your console (doesnt work on pc).
4- Join a MW2 TDM
5- Turn on your mic.
6- Play some edgy musi so everyone can hear u.
7- Blaze it.
8- When u see an enemy, use "uloz seiraknid voth noot"
9- Now seriously, stop watching anime and do something.

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